Please check out some life changing info!!!


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Check out my sisters Podcast!!!

Hello people… Hope everyone’s doing well. Please take a minute to check out the amazing Podcasts my sister hosts.. She will definitely give you some hope and inspiration!!!Check out my sisters amazing podcasts. Needs traffic. Please please please!

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Thank you for the nomination!!!!

Random Spillages from a Reportedly Strange Mind

Thanks to 3 truly fabulous blogger’s – Tracy, Harula and Joe…I have been nominated for 2 awards

Very Inspiring Bloggerblog-award 1Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg


Blog of The Year 2012 (See below for the link to the rules bit :))


I’m proper humbled, chuffed, honoured and surprised, all in equal measure.

Especially as I really love and appreciate their blogs and their writing talents. Please check out their ‘magic snippets’ at the following links

Tracy –

Harula –

Joe –

The rules for VIB require you to list 7 random things about yourself. However, Harula decided to list 7 things that inspire her instead.

I’ve chosen to do the same…seven

1. I’m inspired by community. I believe that it’s a basic fundamental need of most people to be part of a community. The blogs I have nominated for both awards provide a safe, warm, kind and loving ‘giant word bath’…and…

View original post 515 more words

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What do we do?

We work with addicts and people in recovery to inspire and support them to make positive choices.

Our vision is that we can break down the stigma around addiction and help pass on the message that Addicts do recover. Have a wonderful weekend peeps!!!


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Ever feel like 12 step meetings are not working?????

I coach, plain and simple, and the results achieved by those I have worked with indicate a high success rate. I am not a therapist or addiction counselor, I am a recovered addict professionally trained and experienced in coaching success. I am an active member of a 12 and Non 12 step fellowships and have been for years. I work the steps as best I can on a daily basis and incorporate the steps into my coaching practice.But for me there needed to be something more.Something that allowed me to live life,REALLY live life!

Life coaching provided by a recovering addict with strong business and an experienced life background can change your life. Be sure to choose a coach who is a fully trained, experienced and accredited coaching professional. Using the telephone or Skype, coaching can be scheduled into busy lifestyles and can be carried in total confidence.So here’s the question I asked myself for years,Is there more out there then just 12 step meetings?

I coach people, who for whatever their reason, chose not to go to groups or need more than a 12 step setting. I ask the question, “Is there a healthier way for people to live?” Their reasons for engaging a coach (as were mine) are their reasons. The ultimate goal is individual success. Whatever works is the RIGHT WAY for the individual that succeeds, and there is no ONE RIGHT WAY!!

Most addiction professionals are trained to work with acute episodes of addiction in a treatment setting such as a drug rehab center. But as public funding and private money for treatment dries up, all the talk is about recovery support. We know that support must go beyond stabilization of drug or alcohol use and we now know that abstinence is not enough. Although maybe the 12 step approach is not working well for you. This is where I come in.
People want rewarding lives in recovery. That is where addiction coaches can help. We help make recovery worth it by enhancing lives. Good addiction coaching teaches you to co-create so that you can live better. Addiction coaching should also be 1 on 1, be client focused.
Life Coaching For Addiction Issues Helps Addicts Live Better

Coaching is not therapy, and does not replace traditional addiction treatment. However, coaching can complement other recovery related activities and harness the talent of the client to achieve personal success. One of my goals is to be more actively engaged in my life mission: to be of service to others and to do my part in helping increase the rate of success in recovery. But folks, I can tell you from personally working with coaches and being one myself, coaching is not well understood and I hope you find some enlightenment here. Call us anytime at Trulight and we will discuss all the options available to you. Hope you allow us to help you find that “You are your own light”

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Why I’m not “afraid” to work with addicts

Addictions, especially with alcohol and drugs, tend to scare the coaching community. Many coaches are afraid of working with recovering alcoholics and those addicted to other substances. Even though we know as coaches we are not responsible for our client’s choices, there seems to be a shift in assuming responsibility for the client stemming from a fear around what will happen if…? When working with clients on other issues, we allow the client to be whole and resourceful. But when working with clients with addictions, we forget that the methods we use to help our clients make change and take responsibility for themselves will also work when they are in recovery.

What I love about My approach to coaching is that compassion for my clients emerges first. I begin by simply being present with them. I pass no judgment about their behavior.We’ve all done things in our addiction we’re not to proud of. Inside they are dying, and they are crushed. No one is more upset with them and their behavior than they are themselves. By going with them into their hearts,my clients can see themselves and begin to develop the muscles of self management and non judgment. As a coach,my job is not to fix the client. My role is to create the container, the safe space, where my clients can be with themselves, see themselves and begin the work of understanding themselves, so they can find their own pathway to recovery.

This methodology is what we use in coaching every day. With 40% of the population suffering some form of addiction, coaches need to find a way to drop their fears and embrace the concept of recovery coaching. What would the stigma of addiction look like if we approached addiction with compassion and understanding? Our fear arises from what we don’t know about recovery and the assumptions we are already holding about people with addictions. I’m very lucky to be involved in many new cutting edge coaching techniques,and support all 12 and Non 12-step approaches. If your looking for a method of success I’m completely confident we can work out a great plan for you. Please reach out and contact me today at 877-816-4447 It’s your Time when you say it is.Just sayin…..It can be that easy!!!

Trulove & Light Eric 🙂

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What do you do after getting clean??? Hmmmm.. Maybe you should try life coaching :)

Many alcoholics and addicts turn to 12-step programs, which can be found in every city and town in the country. So let me start by saying I’ve been doing a lot investigation into many Non 12-step methods. Some I believe look and sound amazing,others not so much:) But here’s the deal,no matter what you choose or how you do it;It’s the steps you take after you establish a method of staying clean that will insure a beautiful and rewarding journey in recovery.

A twelve-step program is a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems. Originally proposed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a method of recovery from alcoholism, the Twelve Steps were first published in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous and have been used to help people overcome a variety of addictions and compulsions. As summarized by the American Psychological Association, the process involves the following:

admitting that one cannot control one’s addiction or compulsion;

recognizing a greater power that can give strength;

examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced member);

making amends for these errors;

learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior;

helping others that suffer from the same addictions or compulsions.

So, once a person has sought and been diagnosed by a substance abuse professional, has entered an informal outpatient treatment program and is an active member of a 12-step group, they are capable of living the productive, successful life they’ve always wanted, right? Not necessarily.

This is where a Life Coach can be the next, logical progression in the individuals return to emotional and Spiritual health and attain a fuller, richer life overall.

Sober clients, just because they are no longing using drugs have not necessarily gained a measure of personal and social stability. Remember, there were likely some self-management and personal responsibility issues that were present before the addiction which may still be there after they have begun the recovery process.

Life coaching may be the ideal next step in the recovery process. Much of what happens in therapy deals with the individual and the past; life coaching focuses on the person in the present and the future. Tapping into those unique strengths that each of us has and finding the pure, unmanifest potential to achieve their desires is what a life coach and the recovering coachee will do. The client in recovery benefits immensely from having someone who hears them, without judgment, and with the intention to help the client make course corrections. The life coach will help the client set reasonable goals and design a new life for himself or herself where alcohol and drugs simply do not fit. Clients in recovery, perhaps for the first time, will learn the power of their own thoughts to manifest their reality; whether that reality is positive or negative.

Once a person has been diagnosed and treated by a professional or is in a 12-step program that helps them identify the antecedents and triggers related to their maladaptive behavior, life coaching could be the next best step in helping the recovering client achieve the rich and full life that they deserve.

Trulove & Light Eric

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Why I believe it’s important to have been through addiction…..

While experience of life circumstances is not a prerequisite for Life Coaching at all, in the case of addiction, I do think it helps enormously.

Life Coaching, contrary to a lot of popular opinion, does not mean giving advice or guidance, and therefore it is not necessary to have ‘gone through’ the experiences of your client. Modern Life Coaching is about recognizing individuals’ patterns and obstacles and helping them to maneuver them successfully. It’s about finding your strengths and using them properly. It’s largely a psychological tool.

Most profound change in life comes from shifting your perspective, like those ‘Aha!’ moments where you finally ‘get’ something and that allows you to move on. That’s what Life Coaching does, except it guides you to those moments much more quickly than if you were just going it alone or asking for advice from friends and family.

Recovery Coaching for addicts is not about following a program as such. It’s about a highly bespoke service, that works with you as an individual, to get you making progress faster than ever.

Recovery Coaching can help you achieve recovery from addiction, and also help you to rebuild your life into something you can enjoy and feel proud of. It can help you overcome that negative mind-set of the addict and to grow into the person you were always meant to be.

I believe it is useful for people coaching addicts to have experience of addiction because we addicts often have a skewed way of thinking that pervades even in sobriety – and seems illogical to most non-addicts. Because it is! But I ‘get’ it, because I’ve been there, and most good Recovery Coaches will, too 🙂

But if you have relatively normal thinking, and are just going through a rough patch, such as divorce, bereavement or illness, my experience working with people in difficult life circumstances means I ‘get’ you too.

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This should be interesting in New Jersey

New Jersey’s first medical-marijuana dispensary wins clearance to begin selling
10/16/2012 6:52 AM
By Jan Hefler
Inquirer Staff Writer

New Jersey’s first medical marijuana dispensary has been cleared to begin selling the drug to patients who register with the state Department of Health.

After weeks of setbacks, Greenleaf Compassion Center received a permit Monday to open for business in a former drug paraphernalia shop in Montclair, Essex County. The nonprofit organization will be allowed to offer only strains with reduced potency.

Health Commissioner Mary O’Dowd said Greenleaf had passed its final inspections, but could not say when the dispensary would open for business. Asked if it would do so before the end of the year, she said: “I would expect that.”

In August, when patients could begin signing up, O’Dowd had anticipated that Greenleaf would start dispensing marijuana in September. On Monday, she would say only that Greenleaf would open when it was ready.

Greenleaf chief executive Joe Stevens and his partner, Julio Valentin Jr., did not return calls seeking comment.

In August, Stevens also said he expected an early-September launch, but later explained that Montclair officials had told him it would take a few weeks to issue a certificate of occupancy after the building was renovated. He also said he did not know the Health Department would require laboratory testing of the marijuana before granting final approval.

O’Dowd said photo ID cards would be mailed to the 190 patients who registered with the Health Department after their doctors certified that they had medical conditions that can be alleviated by marijuana. An additional 130 patients are still going through the registration.

More than a year ago five other nonprofit companies received preliminary approval to open dispensaries, but they have been stymied by the lengthy process.

New Jersey is one of 17 states to allow medical marijuana despite a federal ban on the use of the substance. Federal officials have told the states they will not enforce the ban if marijuana is dispensed only to sick people and if state regulations are obeyed.

O’Dowd said her agency wanted to make sure New Jersey’s program could withstand legal challenges and had taken the time to put together regulations to protect the public as well as patients. One of the challenges in implementing the program, she said, is that “the federal government views this as an illegal product.”

Some dispensary owners and patients believe the state has been overly cautious and restrictive, causing patients to needlessly suffer.

Compassionate Care Foundation, one of the two nonprofits that plan to open a dispensary in South Jersey, has had to push back its estimated opening date many times in the last year because of problems getting local and state approvals. Its principal officers have had to undergo more than eight months of background checks, including extensive scrutiny of their finances.

William J. Thomas, the dispensary’s chief executive, said last month that his company might be forced to abandon its plans if the background checks are not finalized soon.

O’Dowd said Monday those checks had not been completed. Thomas did not return a call and e-mail seeking comment.

Patients also have been getting anxious, especially those who paid the state’s $200 registration fee in August and were expecting to receive their medicine last month.

“As each day passes, there’s someone new who is suffering and someone new at risk of being prosecuted for self-medicating” by purchasing marijuana on the black market, said Rich Caporusso, a Medford man who was among the first patients to register.

He has Crohn’s disease. He said his doctor believes his pain can be controlled by marijuana without the side effects of stronger drugs. In April, he sued the Health Department, saying it was stalling and ignoring patients’ pain.

The medical marijuana law that then-Gov. Jon S. Corzine signed in January 2010 was supposed to be implemented that summer. But when Gov. Christie took office a few weeks after the signing, he wanted a full review of its provisions and also assurances from the federal government that there would be no prosecution.

The Health Department also took months to craft stringent regulations to limit the drug to patients with terminal illnesses, multiple sclerosis, and other serious ailments.

Jay Lassiter, an AIDS/HIV patient from Cherry Hill, said the Health Department’s announcement was “wonderful news.” He said he hoped there were no more snags.

He said the news was bittersweet because it came too late for Diane Riportella, a friend and patient activist who had testified at hearings, urging the Health Department to stop the delays in implementing the program.

She died last month of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). “She should have been first in line,” Lassiter said.

Please leave a comment and tell me how you feel about this 🙂

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A little exercise on goal setting….dont pass this by

 As a Life and Addictions coach I do a lot
of work with people around their goals.
Setting goals puts you in the driver’s
seat, giving you the power to transform
your life or take your recovery to another
level. Successfully setting and executing
goals is not rocket science but there is a
tried and true way that works for my
clients and me. Sticking to this program
guarantees success. It doesn’t matter
whether your goals are personal or they
are used to direct a large life or business decision, the
steps and the pitfalls are identical. I’ll
take you through a quick tour. If you like, you can identify a goal of yours and do a test
run of the system.This is just a small sample of the work we will do together at Trulight Coaching.
The steps to executing goals are simple, unambiguous and easy to follow and should be
practiced every day. Skipping one step increases the odds that you won’t realize your
goal.That’s why It’s a good idea to begin these exercises with a experienced and trained Life coach such as myself.
The first step to goal setting is to have belief and faith in the process. If you
don’t believe you can absolutely transform your life and get what you want, then you
might as well put down your pencil and do something else. If you are in doubt, look
around you. Everything you can see began as a thought. If you identify something you
really want, you can make it happen if want it badly enough.
Visualize what you want. Think of what you deeply desire in your life or where you want
your company to be a year from now. What has to change for that to happen? What
transformations need to take place? What do you need to know or learn? What
spiritual, emotional, personal, financial, social or physical properties need to be
addressed? The clearer you can get with each of these dimensions, brings your vision
into sharp focus. The clearer you are about what you want, the easier it will be to focus
on making it happen. Write down as many things as you can think about. Not being
absolutely clear about your vision will make taking action very difficult.
Get it down! Writing down your goals is key to success. A 1953 Yale study followed 100
students to see how they ended up. Only 3% had written goals. Ten years later, this 3%
was happier, more satisfied and had reached the goals they had set out to achieve.
More importantly, the net worth of that 3% was greater than the rest of the 97%
combined. By writing down your goals, you become a creator. Failure to write down
your goals often means you will forget them or won’t focus on them, most likely like
that other 97%.
If you have multiple goals, you may need to chunk elements of your vision into
individual goals. Having a list of twenty or thirty objectives can be hard to keep track of
and even more difficult to focus on. Chunking involves grouping “like” items together.
For instance let’s say you have goals around taking your business to the next level. You
might chunk your goals into financial, marketing, organizational and so on. It’s easier to
focus on a few goals than a list of 20‐odd items. Failure to chunk results in failure to
focus and loss of direction.
The next step is to identify a purpose for each goal. Knowing why you want to achieve
your goals is powerful. Identifying the purpose of your goal will help you instantly
recognize why you want that particular goal and whether it’s worth working toward..
Knowing why you want something furnishes motivation to see it through to the finish.
After all, if the purpose of earning a million dollars is to put it in the bank to save for a
rainy day, you probably won’t be as motivated as if you need it to pay for your child’s
cancer treatment. Your purpose says a lot about you as a person and your goals.
The next step of goal setting is to commit to your goals. This might sound obvious to you
but it’s a step that has huge consequences when it is taken lightly.Alot of times we need someone to point out the common sense stuff.Once again a great place for a coach to assist. Write a few pages
about why and how you are committing to each goal; why it’s important to you, what it
means to you, why the outcome is necessary and what are you going to do to make it
happen. Without strong commitment you aren’t likely to follow through.
Stay focused. By staying focused on your goals, you manifest. You may not know how
you’ll reach your goals but when you make a daily practice of focusing on your goals,
they become easier to reach. The more yos, the more people and things will come
into your life that help make your goals a reality. Having your goals written down
somewhere where you will see them each day is a good idea. Your mind will notice that
there is a discrepancy between where you are now and where you want to be which will
create pressure. Pressure is motivation to change. If you lose focus you can always bring
it back. Without a regular practice of focusing on your goals you will get distracted by
something and your goal will disappear.
The next step is to create a plan of action. Being really clear about what you want,
knowing your purpose, writing your goals down, committing to them, and staying
focused gives you the power of clarity to write down a list of action steps the need to be
executed over the year. You may not know all the steps ahead of time but you will know
the next steps that take you in that direction. Even if you don’t know how you are going
to do something, write it down and when the time comes, you will be surprised at the
options that may appear. Having goals without a plan of action is like trying to complete
a complex project without a project plan. There is too much going on, it’s too
disorganized, you miss deadlines and you don’t have priorities. Eventually you get
frustrated and the project/goal fails or collapses under it’s own weight.
To show how committed you are to your goals, think of something you can do right now
that will get you moving toward fulfilling your goal. Even if it’s just making a phone call,
do it now. You will be surprised how this simple step reinforces all the previous steps
and gets you motivated and moving toward what you desire. Why wait? If you are not
motivated to so something right now, how are you going to get motivated tomorrow?
To push through when things get tough, you will have to hold yourself accountable
unless you bring in outside help like a coach. It makes sense to have someone besides
yourself who can provide valuable feedback at critical junctures, like in the visualization
stage. Some people tell their friends and family about their goals which gives them the
accountability they need to stick to it. Once you start to achieve some success you will
find it easier to keep motivated. Consider having a backup plan. What can you do if you
get stuck for too long?
Make it part of your day to review your goals and take action. This will keep your goals
alive and top of mind. By following these steps and practicing your goals each day, you
have all the elements you need to succeed and achieve your goals. It isn’t always easy to
push through. Some days will be easier than others but if you keep focused on your
goals you will be amazed at the progress you will make. Remember, almost everything
begins as a thought. You can be what you imagine if you follow these simple goal‐setting

I have many different options and packages available. Take a huge step in the right direction and give us a call today at 877-816-4447 Lets work together this fall in order to make the new year everything you want it to be. You are your own light

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